Lombard Lions Club

District 1J    Lombard, Illinois USA



May 2004 Bulletin Lombard Lions Club-2004 -In Review & Notes 

Since February 2004. a number of Lombard Lions' Club Projects have taken place and a debt of gratitude is extended to those project chairpersons for insuring their success:

1. Pancake Breakfast - Lion Orr
2. The 16th annual Make Someone Special Event- Lions McCoy, Caputo, Korte
3. The "Show Your Love" Calendar Raffle-   Lion Pulice
4. High school Scholarship Program- Lion Korte
5. Lilac Parade Float- Lions Hulseberg, & Wilk Sr.
6. The Lilac Parade & Brats Stand- Lions Caputo, Goclan and Committee
7. The Annual Installation Dinner & Golf- Lion Caputo
8. World
Affairs High school Program- Lion McCoy
9. The 3rd Annual Family Picnic- Lion Hulseberg
10. Cruise Night June 26   Lion Tobey & Committee
11. Past President Lion Pam for our comfortable Board Meeting Environment and her work done on the Newsletter.
12. Congratulations and thanks to all the Lions and spouses that continue to provide the manpower and financial support that allows us to be better at what we do each year.
13. A special note of appreciation to the Lombard Lions Board for always having a quorum so that we could conduct business in a timely manner.



Lion Husleberg and his wife will graciously host the 3rd annual Lombard Lions Club Picnic at their home on Saturday, June 26th at 12:30 pm.  We need a count of the number of Lions and family members that will attend so that we can order food and beverages.  Please contact Lion Hulseberg or Lion  Turcotte before June 24th.



Mark your calendar and contact Lion Tobey about a time you can help that evening.



Lion Ross mentioned at the last meeting that our net profit at the stand on May 16th at the Lilac Parade was double that of last year. The sale of Cotton Candy was again a huge success. We thank Alex Kudulis for his generous donation of time for the day, as well as all the members and spouses that responded to The Call from Lion Cal for put-up work and clean-up.

Repairs and upgrade continue to be made to the "shack" and a few more surprises are in store for next year. Please give the Board any suggestions you may have.

Other Notes:
Officers & Directors for 2004/2005 will be listed in our new format starting in June for the next calendar year.

You can look forward to other newsworthy notes and color commentary such as: The Highest Golf Score; Our Scholarship recipients for 2004; Our Impressive Award for Candy Day 2003 from The Lions of Illinois Foundation at the State Convention on May16th; Lombard Lions Club”Lion of The Year Award"; The 2003 Lombard Lions "CANDYMAN CAN" Award; Who the member is this year for "Lifetime Membership Award" and the Silver Membership Card; and last but not least The Lombard Lions "One Hundred Day Challenge" and the 2004 Candy Day Chairpersons Report. Please check the website often.
As this fiscal year draws to a close our prayers go out to Lion President Sandy and Past-Past Prez. Hulseberg as they continue to mend. We look forward to their return!

Sincerely in Lionism,

President-elect Lion Doc Ernie" Candyman Can" Turcotte



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